During its company restructure, Kiwi Bank wanted a product to run on their intranet platform to be able to explain how the organisation was thinking to move into the future of banking and working.
They were proud of their company culture, and the digital solution had to reflect it. One of the key point, was to show how Kiwi Bank’s employees could be able to work and access to their projects, from everywhere in New Zealand.
We found the solution in a parallax website. The story was based on two characters, the grumpy lemon-man representing the old fashion way, and the cool kiwi-man which was the futuristic way. Through them, we built a tale based on comparison in which old technologies were comapred to new ones, the frustration was compared to simplicity, antisocial attidudes were compared to social ones…
The final product was filled with light contents, beautiful design, amazing interactions and a lot of humour. It did not create only knowledge, but also a fantastic engagement within the audience.
Kiwi Bank
User interface